Four Mindsets that Lead to Clutter: Part II: An Item for Every Possible Occasion

Last week I discussed one of four mindsets that lead to a tendency to create clutter in your home. Now it is time for part two: An item for Every Possible Occasion

Think about your duplicates. What one item do you have more of than you probably need. Or a better question, what do you have more than 3 of? Have you ever taken note of which ones get used often, and which just collect dust? Here are a few examples of situations I have seen with clients, and tips for how to ditch this harmful mindset.

You have 10 winter coats. But there is only one of you, a tiny coat closet, and only about 3 or 4 months when you need a winter coat.

Four coats are so warm and cozy, but only two of them are good for cold rainy days.

There’s a 5th coat that looks great with skirts and boots.

A sixth coat is a ski coat. 2 coats you love but you need to lose 10 lbs to fit into them (you are so close, just as soon as you start that diet!). The 9th coat is really a blazer for a suit. The 10th coat is what you wore the day your husband proposed.


Have you ever heard this saying: Three roses doesn’t make a dozen? A coat that only has 1 of 5 necessary qualities is not the perfect coat. Ideally, you would have only coats that fit all the criteria---warm, cute, good in super cold and rainy weather, fit you well, and looked great with anything you wore, but life isn’t like that. I get it.

- Keep only things that meet 3 or more of your criteria and that you wear or use often (more than 2x a year).
            -Is it appropriate for the desired season (if applicable)?

            - Does it look good on you? Like, damn good on you? We all have a tendency to hang onto clothes that don’t look great, but are just so dang comfy we don’t want to let go.  But can you find one that is comfy AND looks fabulous?

-Is it versatile?- Can it be worn with tunics and leggings, a skirt and jeans or only one of those? Is it appropriate for several occasions or is it too causal (or too dressy).

Keep only the best of the best. Consider all occasions and criteria of the item and compare them example: Occasion you would wear it, fit, comfort, ease of use, practicality, frequency of use.

But this mentality of one item for every possible occasion doesn’t just apply to coats and clothes. This applies to any category you have an abundance of.

For example, many people have an out-sized collection of Tupperware—far more than they could ever possibly used in a week or two’s time. If you have a dishwasher and use it daily, there is absolutely no need to have 45 plastic bins and 40 lids (let’s face it there are always some missing)!

So to downsize your Tupperware to a reasonable amount:

-Compare the virtues of them all side-by-side. Keep only those who truly perform to your expectations.

-The ones that look worn and stained, are the cheap single use type (from take out), have a bent lid, don’t seal well---Toss those suckers.

-Also toss any that give you a hard time closing, or just don’t get used much.

Baking Sheet Overhaul Example: Many people have too many baking sheets. You only need four, unless you are Martha Stewart (or maybe a Girl Scout Leader). Consider your busiest baking moment---how many cookie sheets did you need at any one time? Probably 2. I am gonna let you keep four. 2 small, 2 large, 2 of which have sides, 2 which do not.

Duplicates are one area where it is easy to downsize if you just choose the best of the bunch that suits most of your needs. But first you have to change your mindset. Be choosy. Only the best will do. Only the item that is versatile and works well in most situations is good enough for your home!

So identify your duplicates, compare them side-by-side for their qualities. Toss or donate any of them those that don’t meet most of your needs.

And if you find it too difficult, you know who to call for help! ME!