3 Proven Methods to Take Control of Your Life Again

You seem to have lost control of your life. Dishes are piling up and your dirty laundry and clean clothes are intermingling on the floor. You have simply no freaking idea what are in those 3 boxes in your closet, or where the heck the bread knife went.

-There are just too many distractions.

-Too many demands for your attention.

-Too much mail to be sorted.

-Too many emails and spam calls.

-Too many shoes by the door to the garage.

-Too many @#*! options to choose from at the Grocery Store!

What can you do to gain control of your life besides light a match, and run away under an assumed name, that is?

How can you SIMPLIFY your home, your stuff, your life, your brain so your shoulders aren’t up to your ears with stress and you can actually hear yourself think (AND finish a thought no less). How can you calm the chaos of life so you can submit that Permission Slip by the specified due date, have that lunch packed for the kiddo, and be on time to work?

The answer is get your space organized. Then get your systems created. And, last but not least, get your routines created. These are the 3 proven methods that I have helped numerous clients get their lives back in order and keep in order. I know, I know, I made a monumental task sound simple, but you and I both know it is not simple. But it IS possible. And luckily, it is something I ENJOY---Nay---LOVE doing for people.

While I FULLY believe ANYONE can LEARN to be more organized and even find joy in it, getting there is hard. First, you organize by purging, and through this process, you learn as you declutter.

How does purging items help with systems and routines? Because as you purge you are rehashing all the reasons you purchased, acquired, and kept things. You are examining what works and what totally does not work. You are evaluating what is meaningful to you and what you will never miss the second it is out the door. 

And from that, you will learn to shop a bit less, to think more thoughtfully, carefully, and more fully about an item before you buy it.

So how do you quiet the chaos and gain more control in your life? Declutter your home. Automate your routines, and find systems that make your life flow.

Organizing your home absolutely affects your daily living, and that is why I am here-- to help you do exactly this. From my years of experience as a professional organizer, I have seen so many client lives transformed from the simple, yet daunting task, of organizing their homes. I wrote a blog on how to get started with decluttering your home right 👉HERE.